♥ notakeciksaya ♥

Hello, My name is SUHAILA. I'm 18 for this year. As u know, i'm a female. I'm a good person with full of habit. I'm camera addicted. Mind ur own business. I'm using my camera. Not yours. I love to holiday. So don't ever disturb me while i'm holiday. Its my business. :) I feel free to talk about anything. But, please respect people while you re talking especially if u're boy. Everything is not important to me but i juz wanna have fun n enjoy my life! And, if you nice to me, i'll nice to you too. So, welcome to my blog and always follow my update okey. Thank you. Have a nice read :) ♥

February 17, 2010


Haha, i' m just going back from Nilai. Yes, series best gilaa. Aku nak rest kat sana tp mcm tak dapat rest je. Rase mcm lagi tertekan kat citu. Blablabla.. Haiih, sejak dua menjak ni hidup aku dah tak teratur balik sekarang ni. I need him, but not anyone else. Tak nak, tak nak! Sedih la aku. Anyway, that was the first time aku pergi Nilai 3. Sumpah die mengubah persepsi aku terhadap nilai 3. Aku ingatkan tempat tuh lopek sangat. Tgk2 perhh.. besar gilaa. First time kaki aku bengkaka sbb seharian aku shopping. Hiah, nikmatnye dapat bershopping. Adoi, mmg terus good mood. Yes!

gtg now. bye

Love, suhaila ♥